Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Where to Buy Gas? Green and Socially Responsible Consumerism

Welcome to the first post in the Green and Socially Responsible Consumerism series.  The purpose of this series of short articles is to help us UUCRs better put our money where our principles are, and NOT put it where they AREN'T! Warning: Changing habits of a lifetime takes sacrifice, but the rewards of a better world are priceless!  

This first installation has taken a while, and a lot of asking, web-searching and thinking on how to best grow "Green and Socially Responsible Spending" in our UUCR congregation and beyond.  I've been reluctant to put any information forth until it was optimally concise, powerful, valid and reliable.  Since I found that such might take forever, the following is a reasoned start toward that, with a plea to your hearts to help us put even better info out there (see feedback note below)!

The best information found so far has been from a website called Green America: The Responsible Shopper
Where is the best place to buy gas for your car? 

The first item we are highlighting is gasoline.  The following page from the Green America site shows what they find to be the best place to buy gas for your car: Responsible Shopper, Oil & Gas

Unfortunately, the best choice, Sunoco, is far from 'good' but it is the lesser of several 'bads' (it received a D, as opposed to a D- or F). We might as well get used to this, as many of our most frequent and high expenditures will be for products that have no 'good' choices. At least we'll be supporting the best efforts of companies, and making a real dent in the profits of the worst offenders.  Future blogs will similarly rate other common consumer products.  Let me know which ones YOU want Green and Socially Responsible ratings on!

(For feedback and suggestions on this and future green and socially responsible spending articles, please write timothylfrancis@gmail.com)

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